Monday, April 22, 2013

What's this all about?

So, if you know me, you know I tend to work out a decent amount and probably know I'm training for the Ironman in July (what? it's not like I talk about it constantly... oh... wait... anyway...). Well, I have been pushing myself pretty hard overall but when it comes to taking the time for the true endurance ride/run/swim I have to say that I have been lazy. Conversations with myself that go something like the following occur all the time:

me: "Hey, Kevin, you are supposed to ride for 2 and a half hours today"
evil me: "Sure... sure... buuuuutttttttttt... you did push pretty hard through some hills to start with..."
me: "That doesn't make a difference."
evil me: "Of course it does, besides, you lifted and did a spin to wake up in the morning"
me: "Well, I mean that's true"
evil me: "... plus a class at Golds at lunch and you know you'll make up for it next time"
me: "Yeah, I guess I could go a little longer next time"
evil me: ", the Sox are on and Portland Pie has a new sping pizza menu"
me: "SOLD!"

As you may imagine, this has led me to be slightly less then optimal in the endurance potion of my training which is kind of a big thing when your finishing goals are timed in half day increments. So that leads me to this blog. I need to hold myself accountable for the next 3 to 4 months so why not put it on the internet. Will anyone read this, who knows... and frankly, who cares, if it is out there I will feel guilty enough to keep going. I more or less stole the idea for doing this from a supremely motivated mom who's blog you can follow here: Ironmother Training but damn it, it was a good idea.

So anywho, that is kind of the point of this long winded introduction post, I'll be periodically posting (could be a few days or a few weeks between entries, we'll see how my time to write goes) but posting this should keep me honest. The good news is that I haven't been totally slacking, a couple of weeks ago I ran one of my fastest half marathon times and I have been really killing my workouts as of late (for upwards of 5 to 6 hours daily), of course a week ago I went on a wedding induced bender that would make Caligula cringe so... yeah... there's that....

Have a 30 mile ride planned for one of the mornings this week with a distance run this weekend... Let the games begin!