So, busy past couple of weeks... I've gotten my long rides in so yeah me! I also got my new bike together.
For those who have never ridden an aero time trial style bike, well... either it's different or perhaps I am mildly inept at biking. Most likely it's a combination of the two. I got on the new bike for the first time on Saturday, all pumped and excited and it took me approximately 3 minutes to clip into my pedals. No, that's not an exaggeration. Normal Look clips but I wasn't used to them so I was trying to clip in like my road bike and kept missing. Speaking of missing, on a related note I am missing a decent amount of skin on my ankle now from the left clip. I finally clipped in then nearly ran head first into a tree as the brakes are on the curved part of the handle bars while the gears are on the aero grips... oopsie... averted drinking my dinner for the next few months by finding a comfy piece of grass next to the tree (comfy until 190 lbs of biking neophyte slams down on it that is). Ok, brakes in new location, check. 2 more minutes to clip in then back at it again. Oh goody, my first hill, lets crank up it! Oh.... wait... not so fast smart guy, the gear ratios are different (much different apparently) on the tri bike, three pedal strokes up the hill and I literally came to a stand still. Since I am still trying to get the hang of the gears in the aero position I clearly can't downshift that quick, plus I'm basically stopped anyways, and my feet are still clipped in, well, you may be able to picture the comedy that occurred next... yep, a classic slow motion tip over to the side. Love me some bruised hip. For the rest of that first 45 minute ride I decided it was in my best interest to simply go up and down streets in my neighborhood staying close to easy bail out areas... I was essentially reduced to an 8 year old with no training wheels. Somehow I was encouraged by this or perhaps it was that when I found some smooth pavement with no stop signs I felt like I was barely pushing and was absolutely flying.
That brings me to Sunday where I had a fun 5k race in the morning then put my prior day's trail and error sitcom to use. It went MUCH better, 2 and a half hours of riding felt great and aside from still sucking at clipping in, I may actually be able to pass for competent on a bike again.
As for swimming, only got in the pool twice last week (the bad news) but one of those was a mile and a half gradual increase, 200 - 400 - 600 - etc. where I wasn't feeling tired at the end (the good news). My goal this week is a minimum of 3 times in the pool or perhaps a lake swim, those are so much better than what I like to think of as the swimming version of a hamster wheel in a 25 yard pool.
Haven't mentioned running, it was a lighter week mileage wise, around 28 miles, but a ton of hill work, so that is good. Some time this week I am going to do 18 miles in the morning (and now that it's on the internet I have to do it... ugh)
Till next time....